Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Want HBO Go on Your Xbox? Better Check With Your Cable Provider

Just because HBO Go is now available on the Xbox 360 doesn’t mean every HBO customer will have the ability to use it. While testing the br…

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1 comment:

  1. HBO GO is a great option for subscribers of HBO to access tons of movies and shows on multiple platforms, I almost find it hard to believe that providers would have any say in where there customers can access it from. Working at DISH I decided after I read this article last week I had to go home and see if I could access it because I couldn’t seem to find a straight answer anywhere on the net. Sometimes you just have to look for yourself, and you find out that DISH subscribers do have access to HBO GO through the Xbox 360. Last night I watched the premiere of Game of Thrones last night, no waiting, no need to set a DVR timer. The real bummer is the fact that Comcast, Time Warner and Bright House subscribers, will have no access to it.
